Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to start a day with a 15 minute early meal

If you have a job like me where you get flexi hours and can start your day excited about the kind of work you do and travel a lot then this is for you. This is a meal I have been trying to perfect for the best of late mornings in the kitchen. The best part is it covers the rainbow spectrum of vegetables along with necessary carbs from noodles. It's a simple noodles recipe I cooked my way.

Now this is not for dummies class so I am not going to cover how much amount of X you should take or give you a list of things you need. Go through these steps and make a note of what you need. I won't tell you to wash the vegetables and other nanny points here. Just use your brains. 

By cooking up a meal early on in the day gives you two things:

1. Cooking in the greens rejuvenates you, makes your mood sexy.

2. And most importantly it gives a sort of organizational skill warm up early on because you're doing lots of kitchen work in 15 minutes. That is a head start.



1. Take a handful of noodles (cellophane or rice noodles preferred. Buy local)

2. Take out 4 big vessels with flat base. You will need it.

3. Take a handful of spinach leaves and coriander and keep it aside. Slice 2 capsicum (not vertically), so your slicing should make rings. Chop 3-4 tomatoes as per your liking and style of cutting. You can also add in beans, whatever kind suits you,  if you love chopping things like me. I love beans. 

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4. Fill in the noodles in one of them and fill up with drinking water just enough to cover them up till you complete point 6 below which shouldn't take much time. You can use regular cooking oil and apply over the stack of noodles so they don't stick if you don't get your hands on rice noodles. Do it anyway, it's a fun activity if your partner is in the house. 

5. Fill up two vessels with drinking water with equivalent amount of water and put it on boil.

6.  Put the capsicum, tomatoes & beans (if any) in one of the boiling pots for 5-7 minutes. 

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You could add eggs as well to boil it along and slice them over the mixed veg noodles later if you want.




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7. Put noodles in the other one when you see it's about to boil. Put in spinach that you had kept aside in the noodles' pot after a minute. Keep it on flame for about 4-5 minutes.

8. Take a frying pan(if it's non-stick, heat it up initially and cut a piece of onion and apply safely over the pan. That temporarily gives it a non stick coating). Put oil in accord to the amount of noodles you have taken. Drain out the noodles and spinach into a vessel. Now is your chance to add your favorite salt and pepper to taste and mix it well with the noodles. (probably the 4 vessels are out now or you could drain this in the one where veggies were boiling).

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9. Put in the veggies into the pan, fry for a minute. Take it out.

Then add in the mixed veggies and mix them well once more.

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10. Put in the noodles & spinach and the rest of the lot back into the pan and you could crack two eggs over it to make it tastier. Plus the egg has other adhesive qualities over noodles which makes up for good cooking while in the pan. Happy cooking for a minute.

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And it's done. Garnish it with coriander and you could make it tangy if you can squeeze in lemon over it. I personally don't do that.



2013-05-14 20.05.06

And it should take not more than 20 minutes over all.